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Индивидуальный подход

The whole system is built by the same project team, which includes specialists in various fields. Algorithmic mathematicians, software developers, system engineers, business analysts and theoreticians create complete complex systems, from patent research to prototypes provide for the customer to get a comprehensive solution in which all sides are accomplished. Not only we develop the system, but we also control the process of its introduction.

Научная экспертиза

Working on your system, we use our own scientific base of research and development, which the laboratory has been conducting since 2004. We have unique intellectual and technological potential, constantly develop our competencies, and generalize the accumulated practical experience. This allows us to be the first to offer our customers the most competitive solutions. The scientific integrity of our specialists is a guarantee that our innovations will work.

Уникальность решений

If your tasks are so complex that all already known technical solutions can solve them only partially, we will study your business processes in detail and develop a system that meets all the necessary requirements and is aimed at solving your specific tasks from scratch. We will conduct research and experiments, develop software, design the hardware, create a prototype and control the implementation process.

Возможность оптимизации затрат

If your business is moving in line with the development of technologies recognized by the RF Government as priority for the development of the country's scientific and technological potential, you can become our industrial partner and fill out a joint application for the project co-financing from state funds. A grant would allow your company to reduce the cost of the development and implementation of new technologies and get a unique innovative solution that has no competitors.