Radio-frequency positioning methods for solving the problem of high precision 2D positioning
Brief description
The paper describes methods and a corresponding practical approach on designing of a 2D UWB RTLS prototype (RF IPS) from the ground up. It is based on universal high performance SDR-platform able to produce and process HRP UWB pulses. The designed RF IPS prototype hardware part consists of three anchors and one tag. The RF IPS prototype software part implements TDoA multilateration algorithm to calculate local tag coordinates. The paper describes both the hardware and the software parts and their communication protocol as well.
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The paper describes methods and a corresponding practical approach on designing of a 2D UWB RTLS prototype (RF IPS) from the ground up. It is based on universal high performance SDR-platform able to produce and process HRP UWB pulses. The designed RF IPS prototype hardware part consists of three anchors and one tag. The RF […]