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Digitalization for improving population well-being in Arctic area


Rakova V.V., Bolsunovskaya M.V., Zorin A.G., Fedorov V.N., Novikova Y.A.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 1445, 2021

Brief description

This study describes the development of information and technological support that accumulates information and analytical materials concerning the sanitary and epidemiological environments of the Russian Arctic population. Maintaining a healthy epidemiological situation is vital for the Arctic region. However, active development of the Arctic region is ongoing. The penetration of pathogens into the region is unacceptable. Information and technological support for social and hygienic monitoring is being developed. Within the framework of the geoportal, a user’s personal account is formed with the possibility of registering it. The required functionality of the portal has been developed; an interface has been implemented to improve decision-making efficiency based on the information provided to the user. Input data on the state of health and environmental factors of the Russian Arctic population allow us to analyse information on directions and regions. Data were collected from all the arctic zone regions and provided by the respective regions for the past year. The developed software allows processing input data and forming summary files in the following directions: ‘Public Health’, ‘Human habitat’, ‘Socio-economic markers’, ‘Medico-demographic markers’, ‘Food safety’, etc. The system creates summary files, which are further analysed by a separate software module with the possibility of visualisation by layers. The developed IT solution can significantly improve the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the Russian Arctic population.

Ключевые слова

Algorithm, Geoportal, Information technology support, Russian Arctic, Software

Rakova V.V., Bolsunovskaya M.V., Zorin A.G., Fedorov V.N., Novikova Y.A. Digitalization for improving population well-being in Arctic area // Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2021. V. 1445. P. 105-117. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-84845-3_7.