Development and implementation of gamified technologies in the life long learning system (based on a multidisciplinary university)
Brief description
Active use of gamification in training, development and socialization has established itself among the best educational and managerial practices. Specialists note that this phenomenon, apart from being a practical implementation of theoretical educational technologies, also reflects a change in the approach to socialization of a new generation of students and specialists. The key objective of the educational process is to shape skills and competence of students as they prepare for their future professional activities. The potential of gamification is primarily based on the basic need of individuals for development. In the conditions of transition to the economy of knowledge and even of entertainment, educational institutions are facing increasingly more requirements in the field of developing Life Long Learning technologies. In response to this challenge, universities start creating educational programs that combine gamification opportunities and requirements to continuity of the educational process for target audiences.
Ключевые слова
Gamification, Life Long Learning, Multidisciplinary universit