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Comparative study of synchronous and non-synchronous rectifiers for use in the receiving part of a wireless charging system


Krestovnikov K.D., Saveliev A.I., Shabanova A.R., Vatamaniuk I.V.
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2020. V. 154.

Brief description

The objects used in the study are synchronous and non-synchronous rectifiers applied in the receiving part of the wireless charging system (WCS). To determine the most efficient power supply for the WCS, various rectifiers are investigated: synchronous, with Schottky diodes and with fast recovery diodes. The main methods of increasing efficiency of the whole charging system as well as the efficiency of the rectifier as a part of it were considered. External characteristics of the power supply and rectifiers were calculated, and the dependencies of the voltage drop across switch on the forward switch current and the switch static power losses were calculated as well, which made it possible to determine the most efficient rectifier. The experimental results show that the synchronous rectifier is the most preferable one for the WCS. This rectifier has reduced heat losses and power losses in comparison with non-synchronous analogues. The use of this rectifier type will reduce the size of the receiving charger module and increase its efficiency.

Ключевые слова

Non-synchronous rectifiers; Schottky diodes; Synchronous rectifier; Wireless charging system

Krestovnikov K.D., Saveliev A.I., Shabanova A.R., Vatamaniuk I.V. Comparative study of synchronous and non-synchronous rectifiers for use in the receiving part of a wireless charging system // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2020. V. 154. P. 675-685. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-9267-2_56.