The substantiation of selection of the project management system for company by means of the functional completeness criteria in innovative company
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Ergo-2018: Human Factors in Complex Technical Systems and Environments, St. Petersburg, 2018. P. 40-44. DOI: 10.1109/ERGO.2018.8443942.
Краткое описание
The article discusses the approach to the conduct and justification of the selection of the project management system and the utilization of labor resources using the method of comparative quantitative assessment of the quality of systems based on the functional completeness criterion to ensure the definition of a suitable system for supporting the activities of the IT company. The article determines the tools for solving the problem of effective project management and ensuring control over the workload of employees, which makes it possible to assess the possibility of personnel working in new projects.
Ключевые слова
Business automation, functional completeness criteria, information system, IT-company, project management system, quality assessment.
Ссылка при цитировании
Shirokova S.V., Bolsunovskaya M.V., Gintciak A.M., Zharova M.S. The Substantiation of the Project Management System for Company by Means of the Functional Completeness Criteria in Innovative Company // Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Ergo-2018: Human Factors in Complex Technical Systems and Environments, St. Petersburg, 2018. P. 40-44. DOI: 10.1109/ERGO.2018.8443942.