Международная Политехническая летняя школа «Civil Engineering and Design» 2015
Краткое описание
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University — Russian and world leader in higher engineering education. Since 2013 the Polytechnic University has been a participant of the program “5-100-2020”. According to the activities of this program, the university should enter the top 100 QS World University Rankings in 2020 [9]. To achieve this aim Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University should increase the number of international educational programs in English. One of them is International Summer School. Civil Engineering Institute with support of International Educational Programs Institute organizes module «Civil Engineering and Design» as a part of this Summer School. The article includes the description of content of «Civil Engineering and Design» course in 2015. Which includes Visualization and Computer Design, Building Information Modeling, Russian civilization and architecture as well as intensive cultural program. In the conclusion the results of the summer school in 2015, its benefits and plans for the future development can be found.
Ключевые слова
Летняя школа, проектирование зданий и сооружений, образование в сфере строительства, энергоэффективность, Revit, BIM, 3DsMax.