Justification for Choosing an Information System for Planning Work at an Industrial Enterprise
Краткое описание
In the contemporary world, the issue of automation of various business processes is being actively solved by implementing information systems in the company. Each information system assumes the presence of users assigned to different functional divisions, depending on the specialization of the system. Big companies implement a large number of information systems, but they do not interact in a single information space, because there is no integration between them. This study analyzed the activities of one of the largest oil and gas companies in Russia. As a result of the survey of the research object, it was revealed that there is currently no information system covering the functionality of integrated planning, as well as the lack of interaction between functional units that develop schedules for various activities. Thus, the selected integrated planning information system has the task not only to collect a schedule of activities in various functional areas into one plan but also to improve the work of the teams involved in drawing up the plan. Thus, the choice of an integrated work planning information system is implemented by analyzing existing information systems on the market in two stages using an assessment of 4 criteria: import dependence, vendor evaluation and experience, functionality and financial parameters, with each of the criteria evaluated on a five-point scale. The result of the research work is the OIS UFAM selected for implementation that meets all the requirements.
Ключевые слова
Cross-functionality, integrated planning, OIS UFAM, planning information, system of works.