Developing a Prototype of an Intelligent System for Analyzing Meteorological Data Using IoT Technologies
Краткое описание
Currently, the Internet of Things (IoT) technology elements are increasingly being introduced into day-to-day life. This technology is especially applied in forecasting weather conditions not only city- or region-wide, but also in a specific house as part of the “Smart Home” system. Cost management (gas, heating, water, etc.) requires more and more accurate measuring instruments (meters, sensors). In this case, the choice of the analysis method for the received data and intelligent systems for their processing is fundamental. The aim of the study is to develop a prototype of an intelligent system for analyzing meteorological data using IoT technologies. The present paper described the structural scheme of the weather station and its sensors. The algorithm for acquiring and processing data from the weather station sensors has been developed. As a result of processing, data on air temperature, air humidity, and the sum of active temperatures are sent to the intelligent decision-making system.
Ключевые слова
Temperature sensors, Temperature distribution, Decision making, Software algorithms, Prototypes, Water heating, Humidity, IoT, Meteostation, Arduino, Smart Home, Microcontrollers