Precise clock synchronization for radio frequency positioning system based on White Rabbit PTP
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 22 September 2020. V.1614. I.1. No.0121072019. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1614/1/012107.
Brief description
Use case of the White Rabbit Precision Time Protocol (PTP) sub-nanosecond clock synchronization system in complex with Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) is examined for precise time of RF signal arrival capture. Implemented WR PTP core port on target hardware platform is explained. TDC placement method for Intel Quartus Prime tool is also shown.
Ключевые слова
Clock synchronization, placement methods, positioning system, precision time protocols, radio frequencies, sub nanoseconds, target hardware, time to digital converters
Сitation link
Fedotov A.A., Orlov I.I., Antonov A.A. Precise clock synchronization for radio frequency positioning system based on White Rabbit PTP // Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesVolume 1614, Issue 1, 22 September 2020, Номер статьи 0121072019.