Online Educational Platform and Industry 4.0 Technologies Teaching Methods
A system of instructional materials and hardware and software resources for teaching robotics, 3D modeling and printing, the Internet of Things, and programming to schoolchildren in Russia and Finland.

The South-East Finland – Russia CBC 2014-2020 programme with joint funding from the EU, Russia, and Finland focuses on the regional growth and improvement of living standards, economics, and education in cross-border regions, including South Karelia (Finland), St. Petersburg, and the Leningrad Region. The development of innovation, high qualification, and high-quality education in the region is one of the programme's overarching priorities.
Within the POETA, SPbPU, LUT University (Finland), and the Russian developer of educational robotics ROBBO Ltd. in cooperation with the Education and Welfare Department of the City of Lappeenranta are implementing the Russian-Finnish educational project "Practice-oriented children’s education in the Industry 4.0 based on a unified open learning resources hardware platform" since 2020.
The project targets schoolchildren, students, and teachers of South Karelia (Finland), the Leningrad Region, and St. Petersburg.
The POETA project coordinators predict that replacing people with robots in performing mechanical and monotonous work is just around the corner. Therefore, in order for today's schoolchildren to receive a sought-after and lucrative profession in the future, their skills of controlling and designing robots are to be nurtured now.
The key task of the project is to help Russian and Finnish teachers upgrade their skills and teach students Industry 4.0 technologies using the latest teaching methods and hardware and software as well as make classes interesting for various aged children. Project website:
The project intends to develop and certify a unique online learning platform in the EU. It is based on a system of instructional materials and hardware and software resources for teaching Industry 4.0 technologies such as robotics, 3D printing, the Internet of Things, and programming.
Before designing the educational platform, a study of the educational environment in Russia and Finland will be conducted (surveys of school teachers in South Karelia, St. Petersburg, and the Leningrad region, interviews with employees of education departments in city and regional administrations) to adapt teaching methods and educational kits to the local educational process.
An international research team will develop an integrated system of universal hardware modules (e.g. boards, sensors, etc.), as well as examples of program code. ROBBO Ltd. develops and certifies hardware and software resources. The content of the professional development programme for school teachers, as well as a set of methodological guidelines for hands-on classes and assessment will be elaborated by the ISSDP Laboratory in cooperation with ROBBO Ltd and Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (Finland) experts. Advisory assistance in developing instructional materials will be provided by the Education and Welfare Department of the City of Lappeenranta specialists.
The project also provides for numerous online and offline training activities for school teachers of cross-border regions and children's robotics competitions organized by SPbPU, LUT University, and ROBBO Ltd. in Russia and Finland.
Teachers will be able to attend more than 50 webinars on teaching methods in the field of robotics, additive technologies, cyber-physical systems, and the Internet of Things. It is planned to attract more than 2,000 children from Finland and Russia to participate in education activities e.g. camps, demo lessons, seminars, competitions, and contests.
The project is planned for 2020-2022.
Current project results for May 2021:
Instructional materials
- Surveys and interviews among teachers of Finnish junior and secondary schools were conducted; a multidisciplinary approach to the instructional materials development was elaborated, taking into account specific features of regional education systems.
- Instructional materials for school teachers' skills upgrade in the field of teaching Industry 4.0 disciplines (3D modeling and printing, the Internet of Things) are under development.
- The development of 3D modeling and printing and the Internet of Things training classes for schoolchildren has begun
Training facilities
- Robotics training kits that have been certified in the EU have been delivered to the Kesämäki koulu school. Its teachers have started developing hands-on activities for children based on the facilities obtained.
- Devices for studying 3D printing and the Internet of Things have been developed, manufactured, and tested, and they are currently being certified as per EU regulations.
- During the first year of the project, 77 educational activities were held in South Karelia (Finland), St. Petersburg, and the Leningrad Region (online and offline).
- A plan of competitive and training activities in Russia and Finland for the project period has been developed. The forthcoming major event is the International Open Robotics Festival. It will be held online on May 30, 2021.
- Applications are being collected from schools in Russia and Finland to conduct a pilot programme of training in Industry 4.0 technologies.
Project team
- Project Lead: L.S. Chechurin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the System Engineering Group, Professor at LUT University, Associate Professor at SPbPU.
- D. Danilovich, PhD, Chief Project Engineer of the Industrial Systems for Streaming Data Processing Laboratory, NTI Center, SPbPU
- A. Egorov, Head of Special Projects and Events, ROBBO Ltd.
- P. Pyykkönen, Project Manager, Education and Welfare Department of the City of Lappeenranta
- Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT University), Finland
- Education and Welfare Department of the City of Lappeenranta, Finland
- ROBBO Ltd.