Conference on Robotics, Programming, 3D Modeling and Internet of Things Technologies Was Held on November 18
At the Industry 4.0 based on open-source hardware platform online conference, modern and advanced technologies for training aspiring innovative engineers were discussed.

The conference gathered 180 participants from various cities and towns of Russia, Finland, Belarus, Armenia, and Kazakhstan. The event was held for robotics, programming, 3D modeling and Internet of Things technologies teachers, methodologists, employees of the local governments education departments, and everyone interested. The conference was also aimed at parents interested in their children’s development in the area of engineering and technologies.
«The education sector is developing rapidly. Since the organizations are forced to work remotely, they are absorbing new technologies and improving teaching methods. In the foreseeable future, those teachers who are able to quickly adapt to changes will be in demand. In order to give this knowledge to teachers, within the conference we discussed how to introduce advanced technologies into the educational process, how to teach children to use them, and why it is important to stimulate student’s creative vision of solving any problem and inventive spirit,” comments Pavel Frolov, founder and development producer of ROBBO Ltd.
The event was arranged within the “Practice-oriented children’s education in the Industry 4.0 based on a unified open learning resources hardware platform” (POETA) international project of the South-East Finland – Russia CBC 2014-2020 programme with joint funding from the EU, Russia, and Finland.
Georgy Vasilyanov, Lead Engineer of the Industrial Systems for Streaming Data Processing Laboratory of the SPbPU NTI Center, delivered a lecture on the Internet of Things. Georgy spoke about the Internet of Things manifestations in our daily life and considered this technologies complex from the perspective of teaching methods (e.g. the ways of using the Internet of Things for interdisciplinary practice-oriented teaching various sciences).
Svyatoslav Saveliev, Lead Methodologist of ROBBO Ltd., taught the “Dialogue with a robot” master class in English. There he showed how a person and a robot can communicate and understand each other. “The master class is designed to reveal insights into the software programming language as a mean of communication between a person and a machine,” said Svyatoslav.
Project Coordinator of the Saimaa Lappeenranta Media Center (Finland) Miika Miinen in her speech “Maker space #innoverstas. Learning 21st century skills at Lappeenranta” told about the new educational project Innoverstas. This is a modern inventions workshop for high school students, integrated into the school curriculum. There students will be able to learn how to work with a 3D printer, a 3D pen, a large-format printer, and programming and use these skills to design or repair various items.
Programming training was the subject of Elena Vostrikova’s, senior methodologist at ROBBO, speech. She spoke about ways to develop young engineers’ skills in building hardware and software by studying the basics of RobboScratch programming.
“In addition to the very interesting information presented in today’s reports, one of the main results of the conference I consider the growing feeling that we are not alone in our efforts. We are establishing a community in order to upgrade school education and teach children things that will be vital to them in the future. There are plenty of opportunities to communicate, share experience, ask and answer, and our project “POETA” is one of such opportunities,” summed up the event moderator, Professor of Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology Leonid Chechurin.
International project “Practice-oriented children’s education in the Industry 4.0 based on a unified open learning resources hardware platform” (POETA) within the South-East Finland – Russia CBC 2014-2020 programme with joint funding from the EU, Russia, and Finland provides for festivals, seminars, conferences for children and adults in Russian, English, and Finnish, the development of instructional materials for robotics teachers and training hardware and software complexes for students.
The participants of the project consortium are SPbPU, ROBBO Ltd., Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology and the Education and Welfare Department of the City of Lappeenranta. The POETA project is aimed at promoting Industry 4.0 technologies among schoolchildren of South Karelia, St. Petersburg, and the Leningrad Region.