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Team modeling aspect in the data storage system development project


Bolsunovskaya M.V., Shirokova S.V., Loginova A.V., Mamoutova O.V.
Enterprise Engineering and Knowledge Management (IP&UZ-2019): collection of scientific papers of the XXII International Scientific Conference. April 25-26, 2019 / Edited and compiled by Yu.F. Telnova: in 3 parts. Moscow: FGBOU VO "REU im. G. V. Plekhanov", 2019. V. 2. P. 101-106.

Краткое описание

The paper concerns the problems of IT project team management within the specific project of development the hardware and software complexfor predicting failures in data storage systems. The description of the projectand its steps, structure of the performers and some weaknesses associated withthe personnel management of the project are given. The paper shows a numberof methods and models based on the structural (target-oriented) approach; andmethods based on socio-psychosocial approach. The conceptual mathematicalmodel for forming a project group in IT project is developed. System approach, methods of the complex examinations and methods of social psychology used in team management practice are utilized.

Ключевые слова

IT project, human resources, project management, system analysis, data storage systems, methods of the organization of complex examinations

Bolsunovskaya M.V., Shirokova S.V., Loginova A.V., Mamoutova O.V. Team modeling aspect in the data storage system development project // Enterprise Engineering and Knowledge Management (IP&UZ-2019): collection of scientific papers of the XXII International Scientific Conference. April 25-26, 2019 / Edited and compiled by Yu.F. Telnova: in 3 parts. Moscow: FGBOU VO "REU im. G. V. Plekhanov", 2019. V. 2. P. 101-106.