Multilevel Model for Management the Regional System of Training in Conditions of Introducing DigitalTechnologies
2018 XVII Russian Scientific and Practical Conference on Planning and Teaching Engineering Staff for the Industrial and Economic Complex of the Region (PTES). St. Petersburg: IEEE, 2018. P. 181–184. DOI: 10.1109/PTES.2018.8604276.
Краткое описание
This paper proposes the multilevel model «School — College — University — Enterprise». The model allows to determine the need for specialists and to plan the vocational guidance work with educational institutions to provide personnel in the industry of the region in the context of digital technologies.
Ключевые слова
Multilevel model, personnel, vocational guidance work, digital technologies
Ссылка при цитировании
Volkova V.N., Golub Y.A., Loginova A.V. Multilevel Model for Management the Regional System of Training in Conditions of Introducing Digital Technologies // 2018 XVII Russian Scientific and Practical Conference on Planning and Teaching Engineering Staff for the Industrial and Economic Complex of the Region (PTES). St. Petersburg: IEEE, 2018. P. 181–184. DOI: 10.1109/PTES.2018.8604276.