Concept of engineering as a basis for development cyber-physical system
Краткое описание
The purpose of this article is to substantiate the role of engineering as the basis for the development of the cyber-physical system. The proposed concept is based on the laws of the theory of open systems and the source sense of the concept of «engineering». In the near future, it is planned to widely introduce cyber-physical systems in industrial enterprises, which combine advanced industrial (industrial) and digital (information) technologies, which ensures the development of systems. To research of enterprise development process, the article proposes to use the theory of open systems L. von Bertalanffy and substantiates the role of engineering, understood in the original sense of the term: (engineering from lat. in-genium — ingenuity, invention, knowledge), which arose in Europe in the XVI century, which should be understood not only computer engineering (software for design, engineering analysis, consulting), but primarily the use of scientific and technical knowledge for the adaptation of innovative technologies, organization of production processes and management in a particular enterprise, taking into account its purpose features. Section 1 describes the accepted concept of a cyber-physical system. In section 2, to substantiate the role of engineering in cyber-physical systems, the features of open systems with open elements, the class of which includes CPS, are considered. Section 3 addresses the challenges of sustainable CPS development.
Ключевые слова
Сyber-physical system (CPS), emergence engineering, industrial enterprise, industrial revolutions, innovations, innovative technologies, methods of organizing complicated expertise, systems theory.