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Complex expert assessment as a part of fault management strategy for data storage systems


Uspenskij M.B., Shirokova S.V., Mamoutova O.V., Zhvarikov V.A.
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2020. Т. 95. С. 592-600. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-34983-7_58.

Краткое описание

Fault management strategy for a data storage system usually takes into account methods of error and anomaly detection, fault diagnosis, root cause of faults analysis and failure prediction. There is a variety of methods in the field of reliability and fault tolerance that are applicable for an enterprise data storage fault management system. However, contemporary implementations of fault management strategies lack automated support for incorporation of particular expert knowledge. Informational approach as an element of complex expert assessment is one of the ways to engage expert knowledge in the fault management strategy. The methodology presented in the paper presents a new comprehensive approach to the problem of fault management with a data storage system as an application example.

Ключевые слова

Decision support systems, enterprise data storage, expert systems, fault diagnosis, management systems.

Uspenskij M.B., Shirokova S.V., Mamoutova O.V., Zhvarikov V.A. Complex Expert Assessment as a Part of Fault Management Strategy for Data Storage Systems // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2020. Т. 95. С. 592-600. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-34983-7_58.