Application of methods of organizing complex expert examinations for increasing reliability and failure robustness of information systems and complexes
Краткое описание
The article provides a review of approaches and methods used by Russian and foreign authors for solving tasks of increasing reliability and failure robustness of information systems (IS) and hardware and software complexes. The methods of organizing complex expert examinations (МОСEE) are described and the possibility and necessity of МОСEE combined application for analyzing reliability and failure robustness of IS, their components and hardware and software complexes are proven. The following methods and models were used to perform a comprehensive assessment: PATTERN methodology, G.S. Pospelov’s method of solving matrices, models based on the information approach of А. А. Denisov. A number of modifications of the above МОСEE is offered; methodology of system analysis for solving a task of assessing reliability of information system and its components has been developed; a conceptual model of methodology of developing new solutions in the field of IS and IT has been built.
Ключевые слова
Complex expert examinations, reliability, information systems.